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German / Japanese

Translations from German to Japanese and from Japanese to German.

Fields :

business general, marketing, and IT / communication relations.

Translation tools :

Online tools such as Memsource, mainly Trados and Across (also MemoQ, if you provide a temporary license)


German → Japanese: 0.10 € (net) per original word

Japanese → German: 7.00 € (net) per 100 characters


Usually 2-3 days.
Instant delivery within 24 hours is possible (up to 2000 words in the original language and 3000 characters in Japanese for 50% additional charge)

Translation proofreading is also available at half price.

German proofreading

Services for advanced German learners

You have German proficiency on level 1 or Goethe or Telc B2 / C1 level and are "not sure if the German sentences they wrote are correct"? No worries. Here you can have a proofreading service, also providing correction reasons, grammatical explanations, and suggestions for improving expressions in Japanese.


Price (tax included, standard) :

  • ~ 100 words 8 euros (950 yen)

  • ~ 200 words 16 euros (1900 yen)

  • ~ 300 words 23 euros (2700 yen)

  • ~ 400 words 30 euros (3500 yen)

(Proofreading more than 400 words is also possible. Please feel free to contact me.)

Delivery date:

Usually 2-3 days.
Instant delivery within 24 hours is possible (up to 500 words in the original language. 50% additional charge)

Corrections of German compositions

Services for beginners and intermediate Germans

If you are learning German and trying to write some sentences in German, this is the right service. for you. We will correct your sentences according to your expression intention and provide detailed grammatical explanations.


Price (approximate) :

  • ~ 100 words 10 euros (1200 yen)

  • ~ 200 words 20 euros (2400 yen)

  • ~ 300 words 28 euros (3300 yen)


Delivery date:

Usually 2-3 days.
Instant delivery within 24 hours is possible (up to 500 words in the original language. 50% additional charge)


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